Why we need to build time for Intentional Stillness in our School day?
Lets start with some self-reflection: How many of you are shuttling between multiple social media networks every single day? How many of...

10 Reasons Why Mindfulness Should Be Taught To Children
As parents and educators, our goals for our children is to provide them with problem solving, creativity and survival skills for this...

Rainbow Meditation
Meditation has significant mental and physical health benefits for both adults and kids. Lots of schools are doing short meditations and...

Body Scan Meditation For Tweens
This is a body scan for children. If you’re a parent, you might choose to do this with your child, or feel free to use the audio or the...

Mindful Listening
One of the first exercise we teach the kids in our class is mindful listening. We start with the simple act of sitting in the right...